Naked Lunch By William S. Burroughs

Naked Lunch is easily one of the weirdest, most disturbing books I have ever read. It's difficult to read, and hard to understand. Oddly enough, it's also funny, vivid and unforgettable. I am about 3/4 through it, and I read it almost entirely on the metro--a slim book. The other morning, I was reading it on my way to work, and at an especially disturbing scene, I felt distinctly my stomach turn. I haven't picked it up since...but will soon, and finish off the sucker.
It's an incredible book... quite indescribable really.
By the way, apologies for the glut of comments - you did me the service of commenting on mine, so I thought I would return the favour although I seem to have gone a touch overboard. Very interesting and thought-provoking blogs!
Did you finish? I never did. I never caught on, even when I read supplemental material. I tried in college and again recently. Congratulations if you did.
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